Hello Friends ,
Frequently i am facing an error in ax Connection with Application Object server could not be established if we restart the system den only its again working not able to solve the issue please help me Thanks in advance
Hello Friends ,
Frequently i am facing an error in ax Connection with Application Object server could not be established if we restart the system den only its again working not able to solve the issue please help me Thanks in advance
open services(type services.msc in start menu — >run) and find dynamics object server.Right click on it and choose start.
You need to start the Service ( Start…Run…Services.msg …DynamicsAX-Server (right click and hit start).
Hi Rmesh,
This could be happen only if there is no connection i.e network between ur system with the server you are trying to connect.
1.) Check the services…type services.msc in run cmd and check for the services dynamics
2.)Check network is there between your system (Client) to Server…by pinging to server…
3.) Turn off the firewall in your Server , even this will cause trouble.
4.) Check ur client configuration…
Thanks and Regards,
Hi EnriqueKevin06
Thanks for ur reply in my network only some of the machines getting these issue firewall is turned off only and services are running correctly in the server .And the main thing is if we restart the client machine the problem is getting solved… I want to know the reason y this error is coming frequently.