Connection between MS Dynamics NAV 2017 and MS SQL Server 2014

I restored a database called NPFDB1 into MS SQL SERVER “DESKTOP-T6U5FJC\MSSQLSERVER2014”

In the Database (Server Instance table) Server Computer Name was “” and changed it to “localhost”

I run this SQL Script:


delete from [dbo].[User]

delete from [dbo].[Access Control]

delete from [dbo].[User Property]

delete from [dbo].[Page Data Personalization]

delete from [dbo].[User Default Style Sheet]

delete from [dbo].[User Metadata]

delete from [dbo].[User Personalization]


I later check the tools > Options and Files > Database > Information. it was set and restarted both the Instance and NAV Server Administrator

After I run the role tailored center error message occur “The Program could not create a connection to the server. Do you want to try again?” Please I need your help, have done all I know about Client config. Thanks

My Client Config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Specifies the sign-in page that Microsoft Dynamics NAV redirects to when configured for Single Sign-On. For Azure AD (Office 365) authentication, the WSFederationLoginEndpoint setting has the following format: [<AAD]( Where "" is the ID of the Azure AD tenant, for example "". "" is the ID that was assigned to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV application when it was registered in Azure AD, for example "https://localhost/". "" is the reply URL that was assigned to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV application when it was registered in Azure AD, for example "https://localhost/". The following ensures that Microsoft Dynamics NAV redirects to the right sign-in page: - When NAV is configured for single-tenancy, just write the URL with has the same format as specified above. Like the client-side ACSUri. - When NAV is configured for multi-tenancy, and the corresponding AAD application is also configured as a multi-tenant application, use "common" as the {AADTENANTID} value. - When NAV is configured for multi-tenancy, and each NAV tenant corresponds to an AAD tenant, which contains an AAD service principal, use "{AADTENANTID}" as the value. NAV will automatically replace that value with the value that was used when mounting the NAV tenant, for example The following ensures that the Azure AD sign-in page redirects back to Microsoft Dynamics NAV correctly: - When Microsoft Dynamics NAV redirects to the Azure AD sign-in page, it dynamically adds a wreply query parameter. This is how Azure AD knows how to redirect back to Microsoft Dynamics NAV. - In some cases, the dynamically added wreply query parameter is not what you want. This is the case when the public URL is different from the private URL on which Microsoft Dynamics NAV actually lives. An example is when Microsoft Dynamics NAV is deployed in

In NAV Administrative tool, did you gave right database name, database server name and database instance name? Try restarting the service once you are sure of this, also so try to configure with your user id instead of network service to connect between sql server and NAV.

Thank for your responded,
It was pointed to the right database name, server name and instance name but the config with window login of the system to connect between sql server and NAV.

At the Service, I right click on SQl server database instance (properties) and pointed to the “Log on” Chose Log System account and checked “Allow service to interact with desktop”.
After then, i restarted the Instance and it was working fine.