comments on export excel


I am wondering if somebody has experience working with exsion, i.e. the export function to excel you can buy from the company with the same name (Exsion). Good ones, bad ones… every comment would come in handy.


Hello Niels,

Are you located in Belgium ?

We are the distributor for ExSION in Belgium. If you like, we can send you information concerning ExSION and an invitation for a free demo in our offices in Lokeren. The demo lasts 2 hours and you will experience yourself how powerfull ExSION is. We will make together with you, a report with ExSION and will setup connection with a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database. After this demo, we can give you some references who use ExSION several years.

Interested for information, invitation demo ? Please send me your address and mail info to
