Code to avoid same item name entries

Hi everyone,

I want to avoid same item name entries in a card…can anyone help me regarding this?

Can you be more clear?

while creating new items in item card…if there are any similar item names then it should not take those names…it should display error message.

Got it…and what did you try? [|-)]

i checked with the form 5704 for the code but unable to understand…can u plz help me with the code

How is Form 5704 related to your requirement?

You need to check it while creating No. or while entering Description?

I need to check while creating no.

Lets say…

You have Item

No. = 1000

Description = Test

So the system should not allow you to create No. 1000 again or description Test again?

yes absolutely…

You didnt get my ques

So the system should not allow you to create

1)No. 1000?


2)Description Test?

it should not allow no.

Then no need to do anything…it will not allow now also…

Please try to create same Item No. which is already existing in your database…