Citrix / .zup file question

We have a client running Navision Financials v2.60. In this version the default location for the zup file is in the Program Files\Navision Financials directory. This client has a number of users accessing Navision via Citrix. Navision (fin.exe) is accessed directly (ie. not via a Citrix desktop). As a result they each keep updating one another’s .zup file. I wanted to have each user to access a shortcut within which I could enter the ID= parameter thereby giving each user their own .zup file. However, in testing this I have found that if I point Citrix at such a shortcut, it defaults to the target file (ie. fin.exe). They do not want users to have to go to a Citrix desktop to access a shortcut. Has anyone managed to get around this issue with Citrix or Terminal Server?? Thanks in advance. Craig

My apologies - I have accidentally posted this to the incorrect forum. If someone in power could move it that would be appreciated :slight_smile: Craig

Just create a log in script that gives each user a Home drive (say H:) and ad the following to the Navision command line …fin.exe" ID=H:\Fin.zup then each file will be in a different directory.

or …fin.exe" ID=%username% then each file will be in a different file