Charts in Role Center

Happy new year to all.

I have a problem and I don’t seem to find a solution myself. I created a new Generic Chart. Started to choose it on the role center Chart Part and for my surprise the list of available charts is empty. I have not been able to find any information regarding this tipe of problem.

I would be very happy if anyone has any ideas for me to try.

Best regards
Carlos Niitsoo

Hi Carlos,

Can you Try Once again and refresh…[:D] …like Search Generic Charts… New -->ID:Test --Name: CustTest…

and fill rest .ie Data column(Y -axis required) and X axis field…

As you created it click ok now go ----> home Role center —>refresh—>Customize—>customize this page → chart part —>

Customize part—> you may/ can find you Chart (hope so[;)]) Select it…