Character T are changed to ,

Hi, We have problem with a system runing NF 2.60 on SQL 7.0. [xx(] All programobject with big T, are showed as , in Field, Information, Tables. One time was it showed as â (Character before T in sort order) All T in Licens information are showed as a black box. CP are 850, and sort order Scand. dict. No changes are made… The system hav worked fine for allmost 2 years Please, any advice…

I have the error when a customer try to open and convert a 2.60 database with a Navision Attain client. On a Danish database, you will get this problem if you have try to convert the database to Navision Financials 2.60f or Navision Attain 3.xx. The convert will stop with an error and the change in the database isn’t roolback. I think the Swedish database will have the same problem. To upgrade a Danish database to 2.60f we must must run the following SQL-script in SQL Query Analyzer. The script is from Navision Denmark. You must change the SQL-script to the Swedish database. After this you must upgrade to Navision Financials 2.60f. Take a sql-backup before you run the script. USE DATABASENAVN GO EXECUTE sp_rename ‘dbo.Objekt.ID’, ‘Id’, ‘COLUMN’ GO EXECUTE sp_rename ‘dbo.Objekt.[DBM tabel-ID]’, ‘DBM tabel-id’, ‘COLUMN’ GO ALTER VIEW [dbo].“Session” AS SELECT SP.[spid] AS “Forbindelses-id”, CAST(UPPER(RIGHT(RTRIM(SP.[loginame]), LEN(SP.[loginame])-CHARINDEX(’’, SP.[loginame]))) AS NVARCHAR(128)) AS “Bruger-id”, CAST(CASE WHEN SP.[spid] = @@SPID THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS TINYINT) AS “Min session”, CONVERT(DATETIME, ‘1754-01-01 ‘+CONVERT(CHAR(8), SP.[login_time], 108), 120) AS “Logon-tid”, CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(10), SP.[login_time], 120)+’ 00:00:00:000’, 121) AS “Logon-dato”, CAST (SD.[name] AS NVARCHAR(128)) AS “Databasenavn”, CAST (SP.[program_name] AS NVARCHAR(128)) AS “Applikationsnavn” FROM [master].[dbo].[sysprocesses] AS SP JOIN [master].[dbo].[sysdatabases] AS SD ON (SP.dbid = SD.dbid) GO