Hi when we check the field “pric including vat” on the sales header then the field caption “line amount excl vat” on the lines is changedd to fieldcaption “line incl vat”. Do i have to follow the base or is there a workaround to achieve it. Thanx in advance. Kumar
Hi I’m not sure what you want to do, but if you want the ‘prices including vat’ always to be checked in sales header, then just update all customers to be ‘prices including vat’ (Customercard, Invoicing, ‘prices including vat’ - then the sales header will be acordingly regards Arve
No, changing the caption would not be correct, as the amount shown is still without VAT. The system will have calculated the VAT amount and deducted this from the price. Better to show the field “Amount Incl. VAT” instead. John
Hi I think i wasnt clear with my question. If you look into the base Sales Invoice when we check the “Prices Includig VAT” field the FIELDCAPTION of the “line amount” field in the sales lines is changed to “Line Amount Incl. VAT”, and when when it is unchecked the field caption is changed to “line Amount Excl. VAT”. I have looked into the base functionality but i couldnt get the clear picture so i ask you to help me give some idea how to go about that. Hope i have got my query right this time. Thanx in adv Kumar
Well… on table 37 (Sales line) GetCaptionClass(FieldNo : Integer) : Text[80] IF NOT SalesHeader.GET(“Document Type”,“Document No.”) THEN BEGIN SalesHeader.“No.” := ‘’; SalesHeader.INIT; END; IF SalesHeader.“Prices Including Tax” THEN EXIT(‘2,1,’ + GetFieldCaption(FieldNo)) ELSE EXIT(‘2,0,’ + GetFieldCaption(FieldNo)); Regards, Alfonso Pertierra (Spain)apertierra@teleline.es