cannot export data from sql server to ms access

hai there…
why i cannot export data from sql server to ms access?
actually it’s a tabke created by microsoft navision
Sales Shipment Line

if i export to sql server too it can be done
but if it is exported to excel or access, it failed

hai every body
why i cannot export data table Sales Shipment Line from sql server to microsoft access/excel?
it was said → “error converting value”,column ** (field_name, DBTYPE_NUMERIC)

if i export from sql server to sql server i can be done
but if to access or excel, failed

can you give me another trick how to export it?
thank you

What steps are you exacly taking? If you do it from SQL to Access it is not really a NAV related question, but more suitable for a access/sql forum.

More information please.

but it’s only for this table database
table sales shipment line
for another database is fine actually

how are you exporting? Odbc?

Sorry, I merged these two thraeds, and now for some reason, both apear, but in fact its just one thread.

export direct from sql server