Can not install 4.0 client

I have a customer that is trying to install the Navision 4.0 client. He has already installed the 4.0 client on two other workstations in the network and installed the 4.0 server. The workstation previously had 3.7 client but that was removed from the system. The problem is, when he goes to install the 4.0 client, it starts to go through the installation, but when its get to about 3/4 of the way through copying the files, the installation stops and backs out on its own. It says that the 4.0 installation was not completed and no files of been changed. I can’t figure out what is stopping it, does anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.

If you are installing a Full cofiguration you will get the desktop engine installed as well - however this can fail if the Server service on the machine is not started. So perhaps doing a Custom configuration and unchecking the desktop engine might solve it. If you need the desktop engine try going into Services from Control Panel Administartive Tools and seeing if the Server service is running. Could be another problem though…

Are you installing this from the CD or a folder on a Server? In some cases if you have not mapped privledges to the Server folder and it is not connected, it will fail. You should always install Navision under ADMIN rights and privledges. If you have a bad CD you can download latest from Partnersource. steve