Can a person be a customer in Navision?


We are preparing to setup Nav for our company and i was told by my vendors that a person (contact) cannot be a customer. It seems that we are only able to convert contact with a company associated with it to a customer. However i find it rather strange because this would indicate that Nav cannot be used for business where just people are customers.

E.g Prada boutique have a number of customers who purchase bags from them. They want to store contact details of those who purchased and then convert them to customers, say for billing/shipping for online purchases etc. How would one go about doing that with Navision? They wouldn’t want their customer list to be filled with companies when their customers are actual people. I would expect peoples names to be in the customer cards if possible?

I tried Googling for hours as well as searching the forums but with no luck on the topic. Hope someone here can shed some light.


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You can create such customer card manually in Customer Master.

Hi Amol! Thanks for the reply and suggestion. I’m guessing that is the only way. It would be a little tedious if i want to do a query extracting all my contacts since i would need to look into the customer table for unique entries not present in the contacts.

I’ll go with that suggestion tho! Thanks alot!
