Calling two reports from one controller and getting prompted

Hello everyone,

I am calling 2 different instances of a controller and this is working great. The only issue I have is the one is prompting with the dialog input where you can choose Print Destination, but the other is not. The code is exactly the same so I"m not sure why one is working and the other is not. I have a print screen below of the dialog box I’m talking about. If I choose Large label size and click Print Labels, it prompts me. If I choose Small label size, it just opens the report. After the print screen I have the code from my controller.

public static client void main(Args args)
boolean large = false, small = false;
TCI_ReceivingLabels tci_ReceivingLabels;
TCI_ReceivingLabelsController controller = new TCI_ReceivingLabelsController();
TCI_ReceivingLabelsController controller2 = new TCI_ReceivingLabelsController();

while select * from tci_ReceivingLabels
if (tci_ReceivingLabels.TCI_LabelSize == TCI_LabelSize::Large)
large = true;
if (tci_ReceivingLabels.TCI_LabelSize == TCI_LabelSize::Small)
small = true;

if (large == true)
controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(TCI_ReceivingLabelsLarge, LargeLabel));
if (small == true)
controller2.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(TCI_ReceivingLabelsLarge, SmallLabel));

You can ignore this. I restarted my AOS and my SQL Report Service and now it’s working. I did this on Friday too but it didn’t help then so I’m not sure what happened.