Calling InventJounaltrans form from my newly created form


I am facing a problem for calling Inventjournaltrans form from my newly created form it shows the error

Microsoft Dynamics AX Debugger

Error executing code: FormFunctionButtonControl object does not have method ‘journalForm’.

Stack trace


(C)\Classes\JournalFormTrans\initJournalFormTable - line 6

(C)\Classes\JournalFormTrans\new - line 10

(C)\Forms\InventJournalTransfer\Methods\init - line 7

(C)\Classes\SysSetupFormRun\init - line 3

(C)\Classes\FormFunctionButtonControl\Clicked - line 23


Thanks in advance.

Hi Ramu,

In INIT method of form you need to add condition

if (menuitemdisplaystr == yours object )


get table buffer ;

pass it in args like args.record(your table) ;

Then pass that args .

Enjoy :slight_smile:
