Dear all,

I’m creating report for customer item ledger entry table. Need to subtract the (quantity -remaining) fields and group it under each Item no. But how to claculate the i.e quantity-remaining field.Can i use createTOTAL C/aL code or any other if so please help me. r else can i make changes in properties (total fields) etc .Please suggest me hanging with this for more than a day.

Thanks in advance!

With regards,


Write “quantity -remaining” in the source expression of the control.

create a variable e.g. remqntty, data type decimal, then write a simple code as

remqntty := itemledgerentry.qntty-itemledgerentry.remainingqntty

give this variable in the source expression of textbox where you want out put.

to group under item no. take sorting of master table as item no. primary key and use Group total prperty as Item No.