We want to be able to set up a No. Series to be used in the General Journals. The document number should be calculated as the current month plus a number to increment CM + “-130” So, for example, if I created a trasaction today, the document number assigned would be 08-130 and tomorrow would be 08-131 Are we allowed to set up calculations in the number series area? Any ideas? Thanks! Alyssa
Hi, You can modify the NoSeriesMgmt codeunit according to your need.
Hi, Define variable Mth as integer Mth = DATE2DMY(TODAY); At table level pass IF “No.” <> xRec.“No.” THEN BEGIN HumanResSetup.GET; NoSeriesMgt.TestManual(Mth); “No. Series” := ‘’; END; On Insert IF “No.” = ‘’ THEN BEGIN NoSeriesMgt.InitSeries(Mth,xRec.“No. Series”,0D,“No.”,“No. Series”); END;
Great - thanks!
The correct way to do this in Navision, is just to create 12 number series at the begining of the year, with the appropriate Start Dates set. This works fine, and gives you a more reliable system, since there are no code modifications required. If creating 12 records per year is too much work, then you need in any case to revisit your end user training levels.
Thanks David - that’s exactly what we did! Have a good one!