Hi, i made some asp pages with navision database 3.10 using c/odbc. it is working fine on my laptop on 98 with Personal web server. but it is not working with IIS on win 2000, it is showing ISAM error. Can someone help me. Thanks ajay jain
I was having the same problems updating CODE fields with MDAC 2.1 and higher (specifically OLE DB 2.1 and higher). It would give me an ISAM error because the ADO provider was adding an extra space (past the maximum value) to the code fields I was using. In VB, I now call this method before calling an update of code fields in a recordset (SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL THANKS TO SHAMAN - http://www.mbsonline.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=3496&SearchTerms=ISAM,error !!!): Private Sub FixADOCodeFields(rsRecordset As ADODB.Recordset) Dim fldField As ADODB.Field If Not (rsRecordset.BOF Or rsRecordset.EOF) Then If rsRecordset.EditMode <> adEditNone Then For Each fldField In rsRecordset.Fields If fldField.Type = adChar Then If fldField.Value <> Trim(fldField.Value) Then ' Only change when different If fldField.DefinedSize >= Len(Trim(fldField.Value)) + 1 Then ' Avoid overflows fldField.Value = Trim(fldField.Value) + Chr(0) End If End If End If Next End If End If End Sub 'Example: ' rsTest.fields("CodeTest").Value = "No More ISAM Errors!" ' FixADOCodeFields rsTest ' rsTest.Update 'WOOHOO!!