Hi all,
I am trying to run simple Batch job. So I had created new class named classTest and I had extend runbaseBatch Class as well as override all necessary methods. And written simple calculation in run method. Now my problem is when I run batch process it will always stuck in executing status. It never changes the status. I had done all necessary steps like >> /System administration/Setup/System/server configurations AND /Organization administration/Periodic/Batch processing , Assigned batch group. Then I checked table entries and looked into batch table. SERVERID for particular batch was not assigned into table then I had manually update batch table record with serverId. But result remains same. Particular batch job was in executing status. And also checkd view task it is always remains ready. Need help asap.
Hello mayur thanks for reply but i had done all of above checks but it is not helping. And other jobs are not running. All jobs goes to ready status but never execute.