Bank Account Reconcilliation

Hi, My client have problem that Navision’s Bank account Reconc. is hopeless as user have to keep in notice till which line they have reconciled , I have given them the tick option so that they can allways tick the entries which they reconciled.But they still are not happy on deleting rest of entries. Suggest Bobby

Hi Bobby, When you are doing a Bank Account Reoncile, the system lists all the lines that need to be reconciled for the period between the starting date and Ending Date. If the entries are not on the Bank Statement but are present on the suggested lines just delete them, the system will suggest these lines again during the next Bank reconcillation job. You dont need to have a tick on the lines not present.

Hi Prashant, Thanks for the reply. thats right that User have to delete the entries which are not in Bank statement but I want to have facility where user dont have to delete it just post the ticked one, Regards Bobby

Then just post the lines which the users have ticked for posting in the Journal : POST BUTTON OnPush()

SETRANGE(TickedForPosting, TRUE);

We get a text file daily from the bank (for previous day’s bankings) and upload this into the bank reconciliation (using dataport) rather than using the “Suggest Lines” function. We can then match off each item against the cash book as they are posted. You can also create a report showing all un-reconciled items, unpresented cheques etc. Most banks are able to provide a daily text file.

I like Paul’s approach, it’s pretty neat [:)]

yes Tarek , Paul’s approach is good. But it works only when user is up to date. And Tarek , if you try to post only the ones which are ticked it wont allow you.