Axbound field Date selection in EP

1.I am creating New Absence request in EP
path : Time and attendance >>Absence requests >> New Absence request

  1. Above screen shows Start Date, End Date, Hours… Etc…
    I need to calculate hours on change of Start Date, End Date. initially Start Date, End Date are edit method field . i tried but i am not getting hours
    after this i tried with Itemtemplate fields , after entering the Data in Description field i lost date in star date and end date
    I tried with datepicker , I am unable to get the hours at first time date selection ,able to get hour selecting two times of end date or star date
    I tried with bound fields Start Date, End Date
    <dynamics:AxBoundField DataField=“StartDate” DataSet=“HcmEPAbsenceRequestEdit” DataSetView=“HRMAbsenceRequest” AutoPostBack =“true” OnDataChanged =“type_OnDataChanged”>
    <dynamics:AxBoundField DataField=“EndDate” DataSet=“HcmEPAbsenceRequestEdit” DataSetView=“HRMAbsenceRequest” AutoPostBack = “true” OnDataChanged =“type_OnDataChanged”>

OnDataChanged is not firing after selecting end date or start date
I need on selection of date
Can any one help me on this

I am also facing the same problem, have you found any solution for this?

Please suggest me solution for this problem.




I am also having same issue if any one solved this please help me

Hi Benz,

You can write a Display method in HRMAbsenceRequest table and return the number of hours ,and use that display method inside Ax boundfiled.