AX2012, AutoReservation of BOM line item in Parents production order (Pegged Supply)

AX2012, AutoReservation of BOM line item in Parents production order (Pegged Supply)

Item A (Finished goods) - Production order #1

Item B (Semi finished goods) - Production order #2

(Item B, bom line type = Pegged supply)

As you know, when post report as finished journal in Production order #2, Item B is reserved automatically in Production BOM of production order #1

Becuase of reservation, i can not do “Reset status” about Production order #2

(I am sure that I can do "Reset status of Production order#2 " if i clean reservation qty manually in Production order #1)

Do you know how i can clean reservation qty automatically or (through customization)?

Can you delete the reservation from the item reservations or the parent production? Trouble is you have orphaned stock, raise #1 again and it ignores stock as it is pegged.