Hi there, have more questions to ask, in regarding to configuring the FA module
When setting up the Value Model
1.1 - If I leave “calendar” to blank, does it mean the system will use the GL calendar ?
1.2 - What is the purpose of setting up “Derived value models” and “Derived depreciation books” -
When setting up the Asset group
2.1 - if the Autonumber sequence option for fixed asset is selected at General Ledger > Set Up > Parameters level, ie all assets within the company will be under the same number sequence, regardless of what asset group the asset will be linked to. Does it means that all the “Number sequence” settings within the Asset Group, needs to be left blank ?
ie “Autonumber fixed asset”, “Number sequence”, “Autonumber bar codes”, “Bar code number sequence”
or do I have to repeat the same setting already set up in the General Ledger level ?
2.2 the [Value Model] button in the Asset group form, is this where I can attach a value model to an asset group, and then when an asset is attached to the asset group, the relationship between the asset and the value model will be established, am I correct ?
2.3 the [Depreciation book] button in the Asset group form, is this where I can attach a depreciation book to an asset group, and then to the asset, correct ?
Thanks again