AX 2012 Service WSDL Url does not have Schemas ...any idea ?

Hi ,

i have created a document web service with create method in AX 2012 R3 and successfully deployed it.

I have the WSDL URL but that WSDL does not contain the schemas


xs:element minOccurs=“0” name="_DocumentHash" nillable=“true” type=“xs:string” />

<xs:element minOccurs=“0” name=“RecId” nillable=“true” type=“st:AxdExtType_RecId” />

However I can find this in the AIFServices form → operations ->for create parameter schema.

Any idea how can i get the element types also in the WSDL url.

I need to send the WSDL url to the SAP team to get the data into AX .

Vikas Mehta

this is the wsdl url as below…

wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" xmlns:wsa10="">…/addressing" xmlns:wsp="">…/policy" xmlns:wsap="">…/policy" xmlns:msc="">…/contract" xmlns:soap12="">…/" xmlns:wsa="">…/addressing" xmlns:wsam="">…/metadata" xmlns:xsd="">…/XMLSchema" xmlns:tns="">" xmlns:soap="">…/" xmlns:wsaw="">…/wsdl" xmlns:soapenc="">…/">

Have you exposed any operations under AOT > Services? Have you registered the service (right-click > Add-Ins > Register service)?

Yes it is registered and deployed also.

And is the answer to my first question “yes” as well?


Hi Martin,

Any suggestion on the above issue.

Can you tell us more about what you’ve implemented? And if you think that the WSDL file is important, could you provide it in full? What you’ve shown is not even a valid XML file (much less a valid WSDL file).