So I understand that security in AX is handled by Roles.
So here are some questions.
Say I purchased a 25 user license, 5 Enterprise Users, 10 Functional Users and 10 Task Users.
When I create my users nothing stops me from giving all 25 users Enterprise User Roles.
How does Microsoft enforce this?
Does it Audit, or phone home or what?
Also, if I give a user say 2 functional Roles dose that count as 1 Functional User or 2?
Also, If I build my own role that grabs a few things from say 3 existing roles what kind of user would that be?
Hi Mike,
First, a caveat; I would urge you to hunt down and read the Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Licensing and Pricing Guide.
When I create my users nothing stops me from giving all 25 users Enterprise User Roles.
Correct. There is no functionality in AX to enforce the properties of the licence you have.
How does Microsoft enforce this? Does it Audit, or phone home or what?
I do not believe AX will contact Microsoft in anyway to inform them of this information. There is a report in the Sys Admin module (Named user licence counts) which will tell you this information, but there is no way for Microsoft to access it without your knowledge.
Also, if I give a user say 2 functional Roles dose that count as 1 Functional User or 2?
Each Menu Item is assigned to a CAL Level. A user is of the type that corresponds to the highest level of any of the menu items they have access to, regardless of the number of roles they are assigned to.
Also, If I build my own role that grabs a few things from say 3 existing roles what kind of user would that be?
Same as above. The highest CAL Level of any of the menu items in the role determines the user type that role would need.
Note that you (not you personally, I mean, but your organisation!) are responsible for ensuring that you have the correct number of the right level of CALs. You are required by the terms of the Software Licence to run the report at least anually. If you discover a discrepancy, you can purchase additional CALs.