AX 2012 Order Picking Abilities

I am currently working on sales orders outbound warehouse processing in AX 2012… this scenario is for an order picking process

Right now, it appears that I am only able to use the picking routes form for order picking if I manually create an output order for a sales order. As in, i manually create output order, manually create new shipment, go to picking routes form, complete picking actions

However, if I create a picking list for the sales order from the sales order form, an output order is automatically generated, and a shipment is automatically created. Yet, I am unable to use the picking route form for that sales order.

The reason I would prefer to use the picking route form is due to the ability to assign a picking pallet. Is there any other way to assign a picking pallet to an order picking process?

I am able to do consolidated picking to meet my requirements. My problem is only with the order picking’s inability to have picking pallet. Thank you in advance for any feedback/ help you can provide

Hi Mike,

A solution I would like to suggest is Foxtrot. If currently handling this process and including things like picking pallet can only be done manually, Foxtrot can automate that whole process so you wont have to have any manual intervention. Foxtrot can also make dynamic decisions should there be variables in creating an order.

I’d be happy to go into more detail with you if you would like to discuss further.

I came accross this website to read more info on this great product: