I am currently working on sales orders outbound warehouse processing in AX 2012… this scenario is for an order picking process
Right now, it appears that I am only able to use the picking routes form for order picking if I manually create an output order for a sales order. As in, i manually create output order, manually create new shipment, go to picking routes form, complete picking actions
However, if I create a picking list for the sales order from the sales order form, an output order is automatically generated, and a shipment is automatically created. Yet, I am unable to use the picking route form for that sales order.
The reason I would prefer to use the picking route form is due to the ability to assign a picking pallet. Is there any other way to assign a picking pallet to an order picking process?
I am able to do consolidated picking to meet my requirements. My problem is only with the order picking’s inability to have picking pallet. Thank you in advance for any feedback/ help you can provide