AX 2012 Machine Idle Time - Production Control


I’m using AX 2012 R2 and I need to know machine idle time along with the resources used.

Can any one help me to take the report.

Thanks in advance.



Kindly provide comments on my quarry.

Thanks in advance.



For knowing the m/c (resource) idle time, see the capacity load for the particular resource. it will give the information, how much time your m/c (resource) have work load at any particular day. so based on your standard capacity of m/c, you can easily find out the m/c idle time. check also capacity reservation and below mentioned report.

Resource : organization administration —> Common —> Resource —>View action tab—>Capacity load and capacity reservations.

Report : organization administration —> Reports —> Resource —> Capacity reservation




Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately the solution given will not serve my purpose. In my scenario the Machine Idle Item is Machine Breakdown, Worker Absenteeism etc. I want to capture those details and to take report to see the resources utilization.

Hope now I have explained my scenario better.

Expect your views.


Hi Adam,

Can I expect some comments from you?


Capture them against the resource as an indirect activity booking in MES and report upon it.