AX 2012 EP Error

Can anyone help me from this error?

Dynamics AX 2012 - EP - Visual studio 2010.

Below is my step to produce this error.

Created a webcontrol in Visual studio 2010.

I added Datasource to the webcontrol

Added AXform

Added Wizard

Added AXGroup control

Added any BoundField


Message: An unhandled error has occurred. To view details about this error, enable debugging in the web.config file or view the Windows event logs.

Source: System.Web

Exception details:

The ‘Metadata’ property is read-only and cannot be set.

at System.Web.UI.ControlBuilder.AddProperty(String filter, String name, String value, Boolean mainDirectiveMode)

at System.Web.UI.ControlBuilder.PreprocessAttributes(ParsedAttributeCollection attribs)

at System.Web.UI.ControlBuilder.Init(TemplateParser parser, ControlBuilder parentBuilder, Type type, String tagName, String id, IDictionary attribs)

at System.Web.UI.ControlBuilder.CreateBuilderFromType(TemplateParser parser, ControlBuilder parentBuilder, Type type, String tagName, String id, IDictionary attribs, Int32 line, String sourceFileName)

at System.Web.UI.ControlBuilder.CreateChildBuilder(String filter, String tagName, IDictionary attribs, TemplateParser parser, ControlBuilder parentBuilder, String id, Int32 line, VirtualPath virtualPath, Type& childType, Boolean defaultProperty)

at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.ProcessBeginTag(Match match, String inputText)

at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.ParseStringInternal(String text, Encoding fileEncoding)