AX 2012 Data Migration Framework (1.0 Beta) - Uninstall


are there any specific steps i need to follow in order to completely remove the data migration framework tool?

do i remove the axmodel and then remove the installation or the other way around?

the primary purpose for this is to install the 2.0 version of the tool.

Hi Rola, I followed the former approach - remove the axmodel first. However, I would wait to hear back from the forum on what is the best approach.

kindly let me know the steps to remove dmf modelfile

  1. Open as administrator the Dynamics AX 2012 Management Shell

  2. Double check the model name by running:


  1. Uninstall the model by running (replace text in quotes if different name found above):

uninstall-axmodel -model “Data Migration Framework”

  1. Restart AOS, compile, synch