AX- 2009 Insufficient inventory transactiosn with status recieved

I am trying to post a PO and create an invoice and i get this error “insufficient inventory transactions with status received”.

The PO only has one line item and it has been totally recieved into inventory. Can you pelase give me some suggestions

as to what is going on?


Is the status of the purchase order receieved?

Does the PO have quantity on the line defining the Recieved Quantity and the Invoice Remainder?

What is the Quantity Parameter set to on update?

Is this a test system or live? If live any modifications?

The status is recieved.

Recieved QTY = 36,556.00 YDL

Invoice Remiander = 15753.00

The QTY = 35000.00 YDL

This is a live system without modification that would effect this area.

And the quantity parameter you are using?

I am not exactly sure if this is what you are refering to but we use a Recieve Now parameter to recieve the inventory.

So when you press post and invoice in the update quantity parameter you have “Receive Now”, change this to all and see if it works then, or ensure there is a quantity in the receieve now for the line. Even if there is, select all and see if you get the same message - I presume this is in a test environment.

Do you use Quality or Quarantine? On the inventory line for the item what is the status? Is it reserved?

Take a look into Inventory Model Group. You must have activated Receive Requirement (or similar name) checkbox.

You need to post Receipt Note in this case before posting Packing Slip/Delivery Note.

Hope this help

Did you find out any solution to this? if yes, please let me know…

insufficient inventory transactions with status received".

i couldn get the "status received " part.


There is a hotfix available for this error.

There are two scenarios where you encounter this problem:

  1. You set the value in the Check for packing slip number used field to Accept duplicates in the Accounts payable parameters . Then, you post a purchase order to several packing slips that have the same packing slip number

  2. You set the value in the Check for packing slip number used field to Accept duplicates in the Accounts payable parameters dialog box. Next, you post a purchase order to several packing slips that have the same packing slip number. One of the packing slips has a negative quantity. In this scenario, when you post the packing slips to invoices, the values in the Update field on the Lines tab in the Posting invoice dialog box are incorrect

Apply the hotfix and am sure, it will be solved.




Is this hot fix KB 957500, I have the same problem but this fix has not allowed me to post the invoice.

This is because there is Some pending invoices along with invoices with waiting status.

Please delete both. it will be OK.

anyhow, sometime you have return GRV. but it is not settled against any positive grv. or only partly settled and while posting invoices you have selected all but not that returned GRV. then also you will get this error. So, select that return GRV.

How many quantities do you have to invoice then? Coz the way I see it, you can only invoice 15,753.00 quantities.

Check your invoice remainder, thats the only quantity left for you to invoice.


follow the PO process step by step. Insufficient inventory trnasations means while posting a packing slip, ‘inventory registration’ if the item having serial number activated in its dimension group.

AP>Purchase Order details>PO>Posting >confirmation>Packing slip>posting packing slip form>Lines tab>Inventory button>Registration>create serial numbers>Ok>OK


I am facing the same problem as i have check the pending invoices, the job status is executed there.And the purchase order consist of three lines but it is invioced 1 line.status of the purchase order is received. please sove this problem


Press Posing - Invoice - are there ANY invoices with the status pending there?

iam also Getting Same error While posting PO packingslip

Error : “insufficient inventory transactions with status received”

Please Help in this regards…



Hi Adam,

Yes, in my case thr is a pending inv, with error “insufficient inventory transactions with status received”.

i posted 1 PO previously and the status remain same as ‘open order’.

can you plz advise.

Hi Adam,

i’m having the same prob. there is pending invoice wit 150 qtty, previously i posted a PO wit qtty 152.

the status still “Open Order” n it never changed to received / invoiced. the pending invoice is error: “insufficient inventory transactions with status received”.

please tel me what i should do next…