Hi! when I start a navision attain 3.60 own backup during my users are working with that database (updating, deleting table records…)which result get I? The backup needs about 3 hours but during that my users make a lot of updates. includes now my backup the state of the attain database as my backup started or what table states have I in my backup? who knows some details to that? Thanks!
Hi! First: you should read the “Installation and System-Management” - Manual, there is everthing properly described! When you are creating a “native” backup (*.fbk) a snapshot of the DB will be taken at start of the backup. While “backing up” the consistency of the DB is checked. If you just copy the DB-files you might have an inconsitent version, eventually including errors. Alternatively you could use “HotCopy”, which copies the DB-files including a consistence-check. Regards, Jörg