assign Dataport to Menu item

Hi, I’ve created a dataport for exporting a data item table. On designer only it works fine, but when assigning it to a menu item of G/L menu module (Action=Run Object, Run Object=dataport) it just doesn’t work. What am I missing? Thanks.

pc rebooted. now ok.

Perhaps the problem was that an old version was still in your object cache? Maybe you only needed to flush the object cache by going out of Navision and back in? Jim Hollcraft NCSD, NCSP, MCSE, CNE, MCP, MST aka Skater Unauthorized Navision News

Probably, Jim. After having created dataport and assigned it to a new menu, I updated related objects by pressing F11. But it didn’t just work. Only after rebooting my pc it worked. So I assume it had something to do with my pc only. Thanks.

Anga, When doing development work always make sure that your object cache (From Tools\Options) is always set to zero. If not Navision may use the previous version of your object if it’s stored in the cache area.