[ASK]Plan order master planning

Dear all,

I run master scheduling in ax 2009.

After i run it , the component items do not calculate the on hand inventory .

For example one of the item has on hand inventory and ordered qty. but the item still planning the qty based on forecast…

I’ve already define the master plan setup, the parameter include on hand inventory and inventory transaction already check.

I must run the master scheduling for the second time on each item by using requirement profile.

My coverage code is requirement.

I also has minimum qty.

Can any one solve this.?

Do i miss something?

Thanks in advance

Check where your stock is and the minimum trigger for each warehouse/site - this is tied to the item coverage setting on the dimension group of your item as well - warehouse or site?

Then check your on hand against the minimum and if the forecast reduces it BELOW your minimum it will trigger a replenishment.

Dear Adam,

Can you show me the navigation ?

Thanks in advance


If you do not understand the basic navigation and touch points you will struggle to understand AX Master Planning I am afraid.

You know where the minimum stock is, you have talked about this before.

The dimension group is assigned to each item

Your on hand is a screen from the item or inventory.

I do not have a 2009 system readily accessible, so you will have to find them yourself or ask someone I am afraid.

Hi adam,

In Ax 2012, i’ve already set it , it runs well.

But in Ax 2009 , i’ve already set it, but the planning order do not include the on hand stock, and inventory transaction. I must run the master scheduling twice in requirement profile. I afraid there are some setting that i do not know in ax 2009.

My client is using AX 2009 RU8.

No they work the same from the basic concepts - are there any customizations?

You need to confirm the dimension groups and settings are the same - can you provide the screen shots of one where you feel it is not working with the item coverage group, the planned order with pegging and the dimension group?

Dear Adam,

Below is my screen shoot.

Thanks in advance


You provided the coverage group settings not the item coverage settings - slightly different :slight_smile:

Anyway at warehouse HO-002 you have 0 stock of the item - because the net requirements is showing me this. You have a planned transfer order taking 335,485 out of stock, so the system has to plan to replenish as per the rules you have highlighted here.

What you need to do is track the transfer order back and see what is driving that - as you can see it is telling you through action messages you don’t need it.

However at a basic level it is taking stock into account at the warehouse level as you have configured it - you have 0 in stock and need some so it plans to purchase some.

Hi Adam,

I forgot to screen shoot the on stock for this item, in warehouse 002 there is stock.

Thanks in advance


Hi Adam,

After i click the net requirement and run the master scheduling for the item, the quantity include the on hand.

But i still confuse why in ax 2009 must running the master scheduling twice and the second time we must running each item and i think this is not efficient. Because we have 100 component in 1 BOM. Is there any setting that i miss ?

Thanks in advance

Your first one showed no on hand as per the net requirements, You need to check that you are looking at the correct plans, your MP2 plan may not be referencing on hand stock for an example, what plan are you generating on batch and in the item requirements for example. However you do not have to run master planning twice, that is for sure, if it is correctly configured.

Dear Adam,

I use dynamics plan. And in item requirements i also use MP2 .

Thanks in advance

Then the only explanation for the stock NOT to be in net requirements is that it was booked in after the first run (but the dynamic plan should still show it I believe). I cannot help you anymore, you have everything aligned but I would not be able to produce this if I tried - one batch run ignoring inventory and the same run from the item picking it up. Although they are different the elements are the same - only other real explanation is you have been customizing the planning calculation…


Are you running your master scheduling for one item or for everyone of them?

And you should try running your master scheduling at site level just to be sure that you are not having problems with the warehouses.


Are you running your master scheduling for one item or for all of them?

And you should try running your master scheduling at site level just to be sure that you are not having problems with the warehouses.

It is 14 months old, I would not worry [:D]