Another example of the globalfilter in DOS We already tried the filtergroups with no success. Is there an alternative for Financials ? Example: Presuming that you want to prevent a certain user from seeing finance accounts with numbers higher than 4999 in any part of the program, you must add the following to Function 1: dbSETRANGE(FinanceAccount.Number,‘0’,‘4999’) dbGLOBALFILTER(FinanceAccount) callMENU(MainMenu) After this, the user will not be able to see accounts above 4999 in the chart of accounts, reports, batch jobs etc, and the FinanceAccount file would have a constant delimitation, delimiting the Number field to values within the range 0…4999. Best Regards, Mark Trouwborst LIMO Automatisering B.V. tel +31 (0)182 631 333
No, there is definitely no alternative for GLOBALFILTER in Financials. I am very sure about this point as this issue has been discussed many times in the NOLUG mailing List in the years 1996-98 ------- With best regards from Switzerland Marcus Fabian
And the conclusion for all of the previous discussions were to insert code on all forms OnOpenForm() Trigger to handle this in Navision Financials Soren Nielsen, moderator Integration/Developer NOLUG