Alert Message On Report

I have created a report that includes a math field to show a difference between the sales price and standard cost. Basically anything with a negative value needs highlighting so that this can be verified. Is there anyway that i can put in a text box or something that will check the math field and where <0 put a message. thanks

You can put something similar to the following code in the OnAfterGetRecord trigger of the Item Dataitem: IF “Sales Price” < “Standard Cost” THEN CurrReport.SKIP;

Hi, Yes, you can put the textbox and write the code in OnAfterGetRecord to assign the varibale containing the respective text when <0 otherwise assign variable value as ‘’.So it will print the text only for those lines which is <0.

Well, I will suggest creat a new body section with the text box you want to print IF “Sales Price” < “Standard Cost” and then write the following code on the body section CurrReport.ShowOutput(“Sales Price” < “Standard Cost”); Hope this will help. Naveen Jain