Airport Management Add-on

I’m looking for a Navision Add-on concerning Airport Management (French version). Can anyone help. Thanks and Regards[8D].

Hi Caroline, last year I saw an article about an airport addon/installation on the Navision homepage (by now unfortunatley gone…), the customer was Jandakot airport down under in Australia (if I remember well)… you might want to contact the Australian NTR… Saludos Nils

What do you actually mean by an Add-On? If in fact you mean a Vertical Airport Solution, I doubt it exists, since there would be an inbuilt assumption of some form of Airtrafic Control functionality, which is not a task for Navision. In terms of managing an Airport, it is just a business like any other, and Navision should be fine as is to manage the day to day running of an airport. My assumption would be that this should include: ordering and supply of food to Airlines, Fixed asset management, Human Resources, billing to airlines etc. general issues that come with any companies. In terms of references which is probably more what you are after; Jandakot is a nice small airport, (it does not even have an arrivals/departure hall), supporting mainly single engined Cesnas and the like. In terms of managing an airport, it would be a great reference, since they do most things a big airport does, just on a smaller scale. The big reference would be in the UK, the company that manages all airports in the UK use Navision, and were listed at as a testimonial. Unfortunately that web site no longer exists, so I am not sure if they are still a reference. In any case they used Navision to manage airports, but fundamentally to manage fixed assets. In any case, try to concentrate on selling your company as a long term partner for the client, and try to get away from functionality and “add-ons”.

Caroline, I have an associate that has created a solution for 4 different customers like this. Please drop me an email and I’ll certainly forward you his contact information. Bill Moffet

Just from information from one that actually knows [:D]Jandakot, although small has the highest volume of Air Traffic of any Airport in Australia owing to the high incidence of training schools, and while its true they are small aircraft, in principle, the same rules apply, i.e. charges etc. for information, The implementation at Jandakot covers aero charges, property renatl and management as well as all the micellaneous financial stuff. In addition we have since implemented at another Australian airport which handles Commercial and International traffic. Please contact me if you want more details.

Jandakot Airport is a large tier 2 airport in Perth, Australia. The implementation of Attain has functionality for automatic charging for Airport property use (Aircraft parking bays), Automatic disbursments for on-charging, Interface to CASA Aircraft information, Full Airport movements recording (Intelligent Rules model), and automatic charging of all airport movements… well thats the interesting bits at least. Further information available from Chris Stevens ( or Nigel Carter (