AIF - Trying to deploy a service


I’m trying to deploy a service in the AIF but I get the following errors:

‘Cannot create a record in SysXppAssembly (SysXppAssembly). The record already exists.’

‘Service generation may fail because the incremental build has failed.’

My service then seems to deploy fine but I don’t think it has worked as any changes I make to the schena aren’t there, it seems to be stuck at a previous deployment.

Did you try generating full CIL if the incremental build fails?


Nope, how do I do that?

Hi Vass,

Please follow below steps it may help you

1. Stop AOS.

2. Delete all files from path C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server<>\bin\XppIL.

3. Start AOS.

4. AOT > Add-ins > Incremental CIL generation from X++

Simply go to the Developer Workspace and choose Build > Generate Full CIL from the top menu.

Hi Jagannath,

I tried the steps you mentioned but got the same error so I’m going to do a Full CIL as suggested by Martin