after Workflow submit wants to edit quantity recieve now.


We’ve started using PO workflow but when a user submits workflow and his PO gets approved, we need him to enter quantity receive in “QUANTITY TAB”, “RECEIVE NOW” column for making packing slips. I’m not getting the syntax to allow edit for purchreceivenow field only in the datasource of PurchLine. Below is my code:

if(purchTable.State == PurchOrderWorkflowState::Approved
|| purchTable.State == PurchOrderWorkflowState::Completed
|| purchTable.State == PurchOrderWorkflowState::WorkflowCompleted)

I tried something like above but error.


Please help.

guys need help…


Can you please tell me why you are writing code?

In Standard solution we can do this, you have to REQUEST CHANGE and then you can receive the qty, but you will have to get the PO approved once again

Is it OK

Else tell me, i have another solution.


Hi thomphl,

Thanks for the reply, actually i need guys to enter the quantity whey they make packing slip. I got the solution i just needed to write a below syntax:

purchLines_ds.object(fieldNum(purchLines, PurchReceivedNow)).allowedit(true);

Thanks again,