Advanced Payment - Problem of Exchange Rate

Hi all, My problem is that when I try to offset an invoice with an advanced payment, which both are in foreign currency, it seems that accounting posting is not correct. Let me decribe my case here! Exchage rate table (USD , THB is local currency) 02/June/05 $1 = 46 THB 15/June/05 $1 = 50 THB On 02 June 05, I received advanced payment from customer and after posting I’ve got the voucher which detail is shown below: Dr. Cash $1000 THB46000 Cr. Down Pmt $100 THB46000 On 20 June 05, Invoice as below was sent to customer. Dr. A/R $2500 THB125000 Cr. Revenue $2500 THB125000 On 30 June 05, the customer paid the rest. So at the payment page I chose the invoice and advance payment, and record additional cash of $1500. The detail is: Dr. Cash $1500 THB75000 Dr. Down Pmt THB46000 Dr. Ex. rate loss THB4000 Cr. A/R THB46000 Cr. A/R THB75000 Cr. A/R THB4000 - - - > Cr. A/R instead of Down Pmt. The item will offset with ex. rate loss of THB4000. I believe that my config is wrong or I may have to find other workaround solutions. Please help ASAP. Thanks, Krit

Hello , Khun krit Khun ju can help you. Please tell her. [:I] sak.

Hello Khun Kriengsak, I don’t know Khun Ju. If you have any recommendation, please let me