Adding a further filter when creating a retail assortment

When adding products to a retail assortment, you can use the product retail category to add multiple products into the assortment.

However, what I would like to is use the retail category PLUS a further filter - in this case the item coverage, as held on the released item itself.

The concept being I want to grade my products (A,B,C) so that the most popular items (A) go to every store, the next most popular (B), go to some stores and the least popular (C) go to the fewest stores.

So, I’m trying to create an assortment for all of the A products (to assign to my A stores), a further assortment with my A+B products to assign to my B stores, and a final assortment of A+B+C products to assign to my C stores.

However, I am struggling to get the filter to work (using the file/edit/filter option).

Any bright sparks out there with another way of doing/trying it?




I am looking in R3 in the assortment and editing an assortment to add products - not sure if you are on R3.

From this screen I have my available products. From here make sure you are focused on the mid-products section. If I select the File option and Edit, Filter, Advanced Filter. In the top half of the screen right mouse click on n:1 of products and add the items relation. Select the coverage group (you did not state it was item coverage so I am doing this from the coverage group assigned to the item) and then select the coverage group you want. Select the filtered records and Add all in one.

Apologies never used Retail so if I have misunderstood let me know.