Account Schedule by Month?

Hi all…3.7a here I am trying to design an account schedule that will basically give us net change for the months. I have created my columns Jan-Dec and made them “Net Change”. I am also using the below format for my Comparison Period Formula Fields: JAN = FY[1…1] FEB = FY[2…2] …all the way up to DEC. When I run the schedule overview for the previous year it works very well…but when I run it for this year it takes JAN and repeats it across all of the columns. I would like for them to be blank if the month has no data. Is this possible? Maybe my Comparison Period Formulas wrong? Thanks in advance… JP

Nobody have any experience with this problem? Basically I am trying to setup the column layouts of an account schedule to total by month. Is this possible? Please help… Thanks, JP

Sure! Just use the field “Comparison Date Formula”. Leave the first column blank. Fill second with +1M. Fill third with +2M. a.s.o. Then use the dateformula of ie. 01 01-2005…31-01-2005’ as the datefilter. Very simple actually!

WOW…that was simple. Thank you very much…you are a life saver PR. Thanks, JP

How did you set up to retrieve last fiscal year’s data? I need to set up an analysis report using last year’s sales Qty and amount along with this year’s sale Qty and amount. I filled in -1FY[1…12] or -12p in comparison period filed in order to get last year’s date but nothing shows up. How can go back to retrieve last year fiscal year’s data? In addition, I need to annualize sales Qty. How can I let the system count the number of YTD months? Thanks,