about table relation

hai… i create a new table

one of the field is related to table item ledger entry

named field Item Serial No.

so i want to use table relation

so I add in properties table relation like this

“Item Ledger Entry”.“Serial No.” WHERE (Serial No.=FILTER(<>’’))

→ I hope records that will show only with serial no

but it still shows every records with or without serial no.

do you have any idea why this is happened?

For your information

the primary key for item ledger entry table is Entry No. And Serial No.

Hi Stan,

it has to be a NAV error. I tried creating a table and making relations with filter <>’’ to other tables, and no one worked !!.

Did you try programming the OnLookup trigger?

no , I haven’t try it…

so any body have a clue for this?

Can I just confirm, that the field you have added is called “Item Serial Number”, but you are filtering on “Serial Number”. I would suggest your filter is looking at the wrong field in the item ledger table.