5known the day of the date ?


how I can known the day of the date for exemple teh day of 12/008/2011 how I can known it is saturdau ?

someone can help me ?

thank you

Hello Hakim,

You can get the name of the day of any date by the use of the following functions:

dayOfWk Function :

Calculates the day of the week for a date.

Note : Monday is the first day of the week.

int dayOfWk(date date)


dayName Function :

Retrieves the name of the day of the week specified by a number.

str dayName(int number)

Below is a code example:

public void nameOfDayExample(date _date)


int i;

str nameOfDay;


i = dayOfWk( _date);

nameOfDay = dayName (i);

print "Today’s day of the week is " + nameOfDay;



Thanks & Regards,

Shankar Dutt Sharma

thank you