3.6 Item Tracking Problems

Does anyone know any details about a bug in the Item Tracking in 3.6? We went from 3.10 to 3.6 and there was obvious changes to how Navision tracks parts with Serial Numbers, particularly on how you select the Item Tracking No.'s. When we pull up the Item Tracking table from a Sales Order, or Return Order the available Serial No.'s are not there (as they should be). AND before you ask, YES, we have the correct Warehouse selected. IF I dig down to the Tracking table the numbers are there, and are available, just not showing properly when called from a Sales Order etc. Help…Anyone?

Hi Sandy I do not know if this is relevant but a known issue is Upgrade Issue: Specific Costing Method and Lot Tracking- Problem Summary: The Combination of Specific Costing Method and Lot Specific Item Tracking is no longer supported in Version 3.60. However Items with this Combination can be converted from Version 3.10 to Version 3.60, but they can no longer be received/shipped: CodeUnit 22: IF Item.“Costing Method” = Item.“Costing Method”::Specific THEN ItemJnlLine.TESTFIELD(“Serial No.”); Please advice how to convert Items with Specific Costing Method and Lot Specific Item Tracking properly.- Status Passed on for Further Analysis

Also not sure if this is your problem - but can you see the details in the item ledger entries? We had a issue in 3.10 with stock movements (won’t bore you with the details) where the tracking entry table had the incorrect item ledger entry mapping. If you’ve upgraded to 3.6 then this will have been consolidated back into the one table so maybe the error has carried forward? Bit of guesswork that is probably no use at all!


Originally posted by Adam Seaton
We had a issue in 3.10 with stock movements (won’t bore you with the details) where the tracking entry table had the incorrect item ledger entry mapping.

Have you found a solution for 3.10A /beside upgrading to 3.60:)/ ? thanks in advance.

No. The problem was with reclass. journal and solution was to use standard journal or make sure the reclass line was a one to one entry. See http://www.navision.net/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=4948

Thanks for the quick reply. I just wanted to confirm my observations. Basicaly if you “downgrade” the 3.10A feature to enter many LotNos/SerialNos, e.g. Item tracking lines for a ItemJnl/Sales/Purchase/Output/Consumption line to a good old 2.x (or upgrade to 3.60 in which this functionality is re-written again in 2.x style) and enter only 1 tracking line per “item movement” line then almost everything is fine. “Almost”, because from time to time there is still some strange behaviour.