3.01a Users

Are there any 3.01a users out there???

we are, unfortunately It appears that 3.01a version has few bugs that we struggle to resolve. The biggest issue is a lost dimensions - any journal batch loses all dimension under certain circumstances. I was wondering if Navision ever released any hotfixes to address the issue.

Hello, There is an Service pack for 3.01 and (In the UK) there are 12 hotfixes. I don’t believe that MBS intend to release any more. As an NSC we found 3.01 problematic. We currently have only two 3.01 clients, as they both have highly developed systems and do not wish to upgrade at present. Everyone else who was running 3.01 quickly jumped to 3.10 or later when the opportunity to upgrade came up.

Edward, Is there al ist of the hotfixes anywhere? Was there problems with the Material Planning function?

Mark, I’ll see if I can find them…

service pack called nasSP2.zip I believe it makes 3.01.a into the lovely 3.01.b