Hi! Now I have succesfully running two different navision versions (2.60 and Attain 3.10) on one windows 2000 server. I want now install a second Attain 3.10 version on this server. How can I make this? Must I run again a Navision Attain server installation setup on my windows 2000 server? Please give me detailed instructions. Thanks
Originally posted by rebernik: Hi! Now I have succesfully running two different navision versions (2.60 and Attain 3.10) on one windows 2000 server. I want now install a second Attain 3.10 version on this server. How can I make this? Must I run again a Navision Attain server installation setup on my windows 2000 server? Please give me detailed instructions. Thanks
Hi! Look in “Instalation & System managemet” section 1.6 “Run more than one server”. ISM in on every Navison CD in /doc/w1/w1w1ism.pdf file Regards Bostjan
If this is for testing purposes, the easiest way is just to use NetBios as your network protocal.
Hi, Had you tried to install on different drive i.e. c: and D: on same machine. If not please try it?
I recommend to start both NA3.10-Servers with a batch file/command line:
server.exe servername=NA310_1,nettype=tcp,database=databse_1.fdb,installasservice
server.exe servername=NA310_2,nettype=tcp,database=databse_2.fdb,installasservice
Now you need to set up the HOSTS and SERVICES as described in “System Installation & Management” … So you have two NA 3.10 servers running! Regards, Jörg Joerg A. Stryk Apollo-Optik, IT/ERP