Hi, We have a new client with 180 users. It is a trading company, with all the normal processes: sales / purchache orders / invoicing / etc… Has anybody experience with a large number of users ? Which hardware will be needed ? Known problems ? (Table-locking, …) Does UNIX perform better than NT ? Thnx, Jos van de Werken Weha Automatisering b.v. The Netherlands
Edited by - Ewald Lucas on 12/23/00 4:51:05 PM
Jos, Wij hebben een citrix site met 80 users op een NT platvorm draaien. Voor verdere vragen bel met even. Ewald Lucas Navicon
I run 170 users on a Netfinity 5100 with IBM RAID controller 4m.In addition all disks are externaly placed in a EXP300 Tower which holds my 10 discs I have ½Gb RAM on one PIII 800 mHz I balance the disk load on two strings from the RAID Controller No problems so far